The Jim Duffy Combo, Thursday, Dec. 10, Lakeside Lounge

Hello, I hope you'll save the date -- Thursday, Dec. 10, 9 p.m. sharp. The Jim Duffy Combo will be returning to the Lakeside Lounge, 162 Ave. B in Manhattan, between East 10th and East 11th. We'll be doing a set of original instrumental tunes, including some from the latest album, "Mood Lit." The music will be loose and free, and whatever we do, it will have feeling. And I hasten to add that Dennis Diken will be on drums, Paul Page will play bass, and Lance Doss will be on guitar. With any luck, I'll be playing my keyboard through a 1968 Fender Deluxe Reverb amplifier, which is en route from Indiana as we speak... The Lakeside is always a fun gig for us -- there's no limit to how "into it" we can get. My friend Eric "Roscoe" Ambel sees to it that the place has a vibe. Plus, no cover charge, and friendly bartenders. What's not to like? So come down and join us at the Lakeside on Thursday, Dec. 10.

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